Sunday, February 7, 2010

He Was There

the fog descends, obscures my view.
On my own
adrift at sea, my life askew.
And there--
a thunderclap cuts through the night!
All the waves begin to churn
in the air the lightning burns
and my soul is tossed in fright!
Soon I'm spinning in the storm,
I'm blind to all the world.
First I raise and then I fall!
Will I make it through at all?
Raging, threatening my life,
shaking me with fear and strife,
the storm rages 'til it's past
and the sun comes out at last
then suddenly my sight's unfurled:

There, in the midst of that great storm,
with a glow of holy light,
Christ the Lord stood in the air
keeping me inside His care!
He helped me to survive that night!

Though I had felt I was alone
and the storm so hard to bear,
there was never need to fear
for my Lord was always near!
In the storm He was always there!

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